Sunday, January 29, 2012

Lazy Sundays vs. Coast Rides

I am officially a fan of lazy Sundays.  Today we got out of bed at around 1:00pm, had our protein shakes, went for an almost two-hour walk, grilled up some super tasty turkey burgers and had them with our friends Crystal and Mark.  Played a game with them after dinner, and then a little bocce ball on the PS3.  Super fun! 

The only problem with our day is that we were scheduled to go for a coast ride on our bikes this morning.  We've been feebly attempting to go on a coast ride for several weeks, and I promised Donovan that we would actually go today.  The alarm went off at 8:30am, and neither of us jumped out of bed.  It's just so darned cozy!!!  At some point in the morning, we decided that it wasn't really feasible to go anymore, and that's when we decided to go for a walk instead.

I'm sad that Donovan was disappointed about not going for a coast ride.  Don't get me wrong, he enjoyed our lazy Sunday too, and he really wanted us to go and do that ride.  It's just really nice to have a day where we don't have any appointments until much later on, and we can sleep in and hang out in bed.

We had a similar Sunday a couple of weeks ago where we were supposed to get up early to go and do a coast ride and ended up staying in bed for a majority of the day before getting up to go for a walk at the lake.

So, knowing our trend with Sundays, we've scheduled a coast ride for the next Thursday Donovan is taking off on 2/9.  Hopefully the bed won't be so tempting on a Thursday...

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