Friday, February 3, 2012

The Brain is Funny

In December of 2010, Donovan and I began a three and a half month leadership program through WorldWorks, a transformational company.  The program, called LP, took place in Orange County.  In those three and a half months we made countless trips to Orange County for weekends, evening modules, a community service project, and introductions.  Overall, LP was a fairly traumatic experience for me, and I chose to suffer through most of it.  I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with the program.  I could have chosen a different experience for myself, but I chose to suffer and be traumatized.

Tonight I drove up to LAX for my iPEC training weekend which starts tomorrow morning.  I drove the same path that we always drove when we went to Orange County.  Up 15 north, across 78 west to 5 north and then 405 north.  And as I passed all the landmarks that we would pass on our way all those times, my brain started to flip out a little.  Reliving the trauma and the suffering.

It's been almost a year since we stopped participating in the program, and I'm still discovering how deeply it affected me.  Hopefully I can make new memories for my brain to grasp on to when I make this drive north.  Happy, positive memories.  :)

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