Sunday, February 12, 2012

Staying Put

With the wedding and all the special occasions that went on in the second half of last year, it felt like we were practically never home and available on the weekends. It was all good stuff, of course, and it seemed hectic.

So far this year there have between only two weekends where I/we were unavailable.  It's been really really nice to have all but one weekend per month where we're around and available.

This weekend has been fabulous. Friday night we went on a very nice date in honor of Valentine's Day. Yesterday we hung around the house and did stuff on our computers and then watched a movie. Today we stayed in bed till after 2:00pm (Lazy Sunday!!) and got to visit my friend Crystal's new baby boy. It's been relaxing, somewhat productive, and just really nice.

It's great to know that we're also here and available for the next two weekends!! This probably sounds very commonplace to many of you, but it's not for me!! I love our life, and I love how active we are and how much stuff we do. And sometimes, it's just nice to stay put and be home. :)

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