Saturday, February 4, 2012

We All Have 'Em...

I'm at my second iPEC weekend this weekend, and it's going really great!  The people here welcomed me with open arms, and I'm learning some good stuff.  :)

One of the exercises we did yesterday centered around our Gremlin, that little voice inside our head that tells us we're not good enough.  There are 25 of us in the course, and as we went around the room, I heard the same message with slightly different flavors.  Not perfect enough (mine), not pretty enough, not smart enough, etc.  And while I know that we all have this voice in our heads, it really sank in last night.

No matter how outwardly together a person may seem, whether it's that they have the ultimate career or all the money or the perfect body or the perfect family or whatever assumptions we make about them, they have a voice that tells them that they're not __________ enough. 

Wild, huh?

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1 comment:

Steve923a said...

Thanks Iris. Your sharing about everyone having their little voice, helped it sink in for me.