Wednesday, October 8, 2008

TV Will Rot Your Brain

God, I hope that's not true. This TV season is killing me, and it just started! I looked at my DVR and there are 22 programs scheduled to record in the next week alone!!! Good Lord! Sure, the idea behind having a DVR is that you can record your shows and watch them at your convenience. There's a small flaw with this plan, though, and it's called "Time Warner's HD DVR SUCKS!" On average, a one-hour program recorded in HD takes up 5-6% on the DVR. With as many shows as I'm apparently watching, I can't leave them just sitting there, I have to watch them in order to have any space to record future shows!

I know, I know. I should just cut back. But honestly, there are some really good shows on TV right now, and I'm sort of addicted! But I really don't like the feeling that I HAVE to sit down and watch something just to clear out space. It's like when the Olympics were on and I would record just the evening broadcast every day (5+ hours), and then have to whip through it in order to be able to record the next night's broadcast. UGH!

I have to admit, as much as I enjoy a majority of the shows that I watch, I do often find myself asking myself what I'm trying to escape by watching so much TV. It's entertainment, but it's also an escape of some sort. Time to just turn off the brain and chill. But 22 hours per week? It seems a wee bit excessive.

Maybe I'll try to weed out the shows that aren't "must watch" shows. That might free up an hour or two...

1 comment:

Tina Marie Parker said...

You need to watch less tv... Exceptions to ER (final season) and Biggest Loser, though recorded you can get through the drama. Oh, and Two and half Men.