Monday, March 12, 2012

A Really Good Week

Last week Donovan and I went on a vacation of sorts.  We flew up to the Bay Area, saw my family, saw his parents (who were visiting from Hawaii), he attended a huge game developers conference in San Francisco, we went to Napa, had dinners with friends, ate lots of was fun!

It was the first time that we, his parents, and my parents all stayed under one roof, and it worked out really well.  Although I have to admit that the first night, as we were laying in bed, I was a little weirded out at the fact that his parents were in the room next door, and my parents were in the room above us.  :)

I got to play tennis with my dad three times throughout the week, which was really fun.  In the past I've complained about how small his court is (it's a mini-court), but this time I was able to play really well in it...guess my tennis is improving!

We had a great time in Napa with Donovan's parents, complete with wine tastings, good food, and a really nice hotel.  They get special privileges at some of the wineries, so we got special treatment (and discounts!), which was cool.  I got to thinking about living in wine country and owning a winery, so we're going to put it on our list of places to try and live for a few months somewhere down the road.

I took the whole week off from blogging and doing any school work (except for the calls I had scheduled), and I'm very glad I did!  It feels like I was incredibly busy the entire week, either going places and doing things, or hanging out with family.  Not a bad thing at all, and I'm glad I didn't have to find time for those extras!

I've noticed something before on my visits up north, and noticed it much more this time since it was an extended trip.  I tend to spend much less time on the computer and online when I'm up there.  Probably because I'm always busy doing something or seeing someone.  This past week, I checked e-mails and Facebook on my phone, and occasionally posted pictures from my phone of our adventures.  My laptop made it out of my backpack for less than 24 hours, and I didn't really even use the computer at my parents' house.  It's not a bad thing by any means, and I enjoyed the break.  And it makes me wonder if I spend too much time on the computer when I'm home.  It seems to be the default thing to do...sit down at the desk and either do something productive, or just piddle around on the Internet.  Something to pay attention to, and see if I want to make any changes.

We had a really great week last week, and I'm very happy to be home!  The kitchen is coming along very nicely, and should hopefully be mostly done by this weekend.  Countertops are being installed on Friday!!  I'm very excited!!!

1 comment:

Sigal Tzoore said...

Sounds like a fabulous week, and my favorite part in it is that I got to see you! Yay!