Thursday, October 20, 2011

Beauty in Nature

So we're here in Cabo again for the second time this year (crazy!), and I'm very aware of how much I am affected by beauty, particularly outdoors in nature or man-made nature.  Our hotel sits right on the beach, and the ocean here is just sparkly and gorgeous.  From our balcony or from the terrace of the main restaurant or really from just about anywhere in the resort, the view is just amazing.  And I never ever get tired of looking at it, and it never ceases to stun me.  We were sitting outside at lunch today and I looked out at the pool, palm trees and ocean in the background, and it took my breath away.  Then I had a conversation with someone and five minutes later I looked out again, and it took my breath away.

At our hotel, the Westin Los Cabos

I don't know what it is about me that has me react this way, and it consistently happens.  A couple of years ago when I was in Slovenia with my parents, we did a hike in a river gorge.  We arrived at the end of the hike, and there were all these waterfalls and rapids.  I remember standing on one of the wood bridges that sat over one of the rapids, and just feeling totally stupefied and in awe of mother nature and what she has created.  The sound of the rushing water, the beauty of the forest, it seemed almost impossible!  And every time there's a beautiful sunset, I am captivated by it.  I simply have to stop doing whatever it is that I'm doing, and just bask in the beauty of the sunset.

I hope that I never lose this awe of nature and of beauty.  It is such a gift, and it has me appreciate the world around me in a way that I don't know if I could do otherwise.  Thank goodness for Mother Nature!  :)

1 comment:

Laurie Wallin said...

Sweet friend, I love this about you. So enjoying reading your heart daily. :)