Friday, October 14, 2011

Here We Go Again

The time has come to re-enter the world of blogging! It has been about three years since the last time I blogged...and much has happened in the interim!

My cousin Sigal ( and I are having a blogging challenge. To blog five days a week, about nothing in particular, just to get the juices flowing. Sigal is a writer, in the process of finding a publisher for her first young-adult book. And I have always wanted to write, and never know about what. Maybe I'll find the answer here!

I'm open to suggestions for topics. Mostly, I'll probably just write about whatever happens to be most present in my life at the moment.

So...let the blogging challenge begin!!! :)


Sigal Tzoore said...

Wonderful! I'm so excited! I can't believe how amazingly motivated we both are not only to start blogging but to start three days ahead of schedule! Can't wait to read more!

DW said...


Ella Hart said...

You should have told me about it too!
I've never been good at keeping a blog. runs in the family?