Sunday, April 8, 2012


Tonight we had a one-day late Passover seder with my extended family up here in the Bay Area.  This was Donovan's second seder, and we had a great time!  I love seeing my extended family whenever possible.  They're such great people and we all have so much fun together!  Last year was quite full of opportunities for all of us to be together, from Passover to my cousin's wedding to our wedding to my dad's 70th birthday to my nephew's bar mitzvah to my uncle's 70th birthday...we got quite spoiled as far as seeing everyone!  This year doesn't have quite as many special occasions, so we'll make the most of the times where we do get to see my extended family.

To me Passover isn't Passover without Manischewitz wine.  I know to most people it's not even really a wine...more like alcoholic grape juice, but I love it!  And I grew up getting drunk at Passover on Manischewitz, so I have a very strong association with it.  There was almost a major Manischewitz crisis tonight at the seder, as my cousin didn't have any on hand.  Thankfully my other cousin brought a bottle that was about 2/3 full, and the day was saved!  I walked around like a wino, clutching my bottle of Manischewitz, telling everyone how they couldn't have any.  I did let Donovan have a few sips after he made the sad puppy-dog face at me.  From now on, I'm bringing my Manischewitz with me!  :)

We ate yummy gefilte fish, matzo ball soup and all the other traditional Passover foods, including the Donovan-coined TiramiJew.  It was awesome!  We didn't quite get back to the Hagadah after dinner, so we didn't get to sing all the fun songs.  Oh well...there's always next year!  :)

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1 comment:

Donovan said...

I really wish I had found a brown paper bag for you to carry that bottle around in. :)

It was fun as always with your family! My first time hot-tubbing in the middle of the seder!