Monday, October 31, 2011

The Universe Has A Way...

Oftentimes when I'm driving somewhere, I'll use that time to catch up on phone calls.  Multi-tasking!  :)  Tonight I was driving to a friend's house for a Halloween potluck, and I decided to call my friend Katie in Nashville and see how she's doing.  Voicemail!  So then, I decided to call my parents and chat with them.  Answering machine!  Third on the list?  My cousin Sigal, who earlier today called me to ask if I would proofread a query letter she's sending out tomorrow to a potential book agent.  Called her house...answering machine!  Called her cell phone, and...BINGO!!  A real live human being!!  Turns out she was just walking in the door with her son.

We started talking about the query letter, which I had edited earlier, and she explained that this agent is having a query letter contest, which is why she was submitting a letter.  She asked me if I thought that her letter was good enough to capture the agent's attention.  We decided that we should work on creating something a little more "grabby".  I was going to suggest that we set up a call for tomorrow sometime to work on it, since I was in the car, but it turns out she needed to submit it tomorrow morning at 6:00am!  So instead we started working on it right then!

I arrived at my friend's house and sat in my parked car watching all the trick-or-treaters going by as my cousin and I worked on her letter.  Since I didn't have it in front of me, she would read me a sentence, and we would de- and re-construct it, and then she would read it to me again.  We went through many iterations of this process!  In the end, we came up with something really awesome!  I'm hoping the agent will get sucked in by our end result...I definitely think it sounded like a tag line from a movie trailer (in a good way!).

Either way, I think it's amazing how the universe (or whatever you believe in) arranges things to happen a certain way.  If Katie had answered the phone, or if my parents would have been home, I might not have talked to Sigal tonight, and we wouldn't have gotten to work on that letter together.  I know that she felt supported by me, and I was thrilled to be able to help her, thank you, Universe!  :)


Sigal Tzoore said...

Just sent it off! Toda again my darling cousin for your help! I'm glad no trick or treater attacked you in your car in an attempt to get more candy while you were helping me. And many thanks to the universe. May my sexy query letter have luck this week!

Ella Hart said...

I want to see that letter, you two!