Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I Missed My Calling

Tonight we went to see the So You Think You Can Dance touring show.  I am a HUGE fan of the show, and this season had some really incredible dancers on it.  The show tonight was Amazing.  Spectacular.  Miraculous.  The things that these kids can do with their bodies...they defy belief and gravity.  When I watch shows like this, one thing is clear to me.  I missed my calling.  I should have been a dancer.

Now for a little reality check.  I'm white, I'm short, I'm overweight, and I'm 37 years old.  Okay, the white-girl part doesn't really count, because many of the amazing dancers on these shows are white.  And I do actually have rhythm!!  :)  But seriously, it's one of the few things that I regret so far about my life.  I wish that I had taken more dance classes as a kid, or as a teenager, or even in my early twenties.  I just have this certainty that I would have been really kick-ass at it.

Whenever I hear music with a beat, I dance, even if it's just in my seat.  I can't help myself!  And yes, I can take dance classes now, and maybe I will.  But at this point, the best I will ever be is just okay.  I wish I had given myself the chance to be great!  I know that regrets are pointless and will get me nowhere...this is one that keeps coming up for me.  So maybe the thing to do IS to start taking some dance classes and see where it takes me.  :)

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Donovan said...

You are the cutest dancer EVAR. Don't change how you dance, I love it. :) You're great!

And I think the best thing for you (and me) to do is send our kids to lots of dance classes, and other classes to expose them to everything that could be their calling. Then we can live vicariously through our children like everyone else.

Sigal Tzoore said...

So, darling, do you only do stuff if you could be great at it?

I mean really!!!

I think you should do it, take dance lessons, go hip-hopping or something, for something much better than being great --

for FUN!!!!

Unknown said...

Girl, i could have written this post. FYI, I'm going to a hip hop dance class next Thurs, 11/17, in North Park taught by a guy named Prince. Join me? -Elizabeth