Friday, November 25, 2011

Blogger's Block

Well, apparently I've hit the wall...the blogging wall.  This week has been a serious struggle for me with blogging.  I don't know if it was the weekend's blogging from last week that burned me out, or the holiday this week took my focus, but I'm not really feeling the blogging this week.  I've committed to five days a week, so I'm blogging now to keep that commitment, and I don't really have much to say.

We had a really nice day yesterday for Thanksgiving.  Slept in late, went and picked up the food, and then spent the afternoon/evening with friends in our pajamas eating and drinking and playing games.  Ended up having homemade (by one of our friends) cinnamon rolls with cream cheese frosting for dessert instead of  pumpkin pie...a good trade!

I'm hoping this weekend will bring me more inspiration for the blog!  Apologies for the dud post!!

Photo Source

1 comment:

Sigal Tzoore said...

Might be blogger's block (I like the name...), or it might just be that when the holiday's are here it's difficult to keep doing our everyday regular things, especially if they are of our own design. If you didn't say it was a dud post I wouldn't have noticed :) Also, you might notice I didn't post anything this week hardly. Too busy with Ima's birthday. Maybe this afternoon. Or tomorrow. We'll see.