Monday, November 7, 2011

Two and a Half Months Later...

Our wedding was two and a half months ago, and I still have a list of things that I need to do from it!  We still haven't picked a winner for our wedding photo contest (although we have narrowed it down to 15 contenders).  We still haven't sent out thank-you cards (although we did design and order them).  We still haven't written reviews for our vendors, all of whom were spectacular and deserve your business.

For whatever reason, these tasks loom huge over my head, when in reality it wouldn't take *that* much time to get them done.  I've had the thank-you cards ordered and ready to start for probably three weeks.  If I had written three or four a day since then (which was my intention), I'd probably be close to done!  Why do I let myself get overwhelmed by things like this instead of just breaking them into bite-sized tasks and getting them done?

There have been so many other times in my adult life where I said, "If I would just do ______ for 15 minutes a day, it would get done no problem."  And yet, I don't do it.  Apparently, I'm a glutton for punishment. 

So right now, I am going to write five thank-you cards, because I can.

Photo Source


Laurie Wallin said...

You GO girl! I'm so sad we didn't have our lunch today, but I can't wait to get together next Monday and hear about all those thank you notes you finished ;).

Love you!

Ceremonies by Bethel said...

And let me tell you, your vendors very much appreciate that you feel this way and want to do it for us! :) Whenever you get to it is just fine.