Sunday, December 18, 2011

Cookie Exchange

Today was our second annual holiday cookie exchange here at the Meyers house.  This year we did it as a brunch, which was really fun!  If you've never been to a cookie exchange, here's how it works:  everybody brings 4-5 dozen cookies that they've baked (or bought), and you lay them out on a table.  You hang out, eat and whatever, and then it's time for the exchange part.  How we do it is that everyone circles around the table with all the cookies, and then we take turns saying which cookies we made, and why they're significant (if they are).  Then we all take an empty container and walk around the table taking a few of each cookie that people brought.  So what you end up with at the end is a container full of lots of different cookies!

I went to my first cookie exchange a few years ago and really liked the idea, so I started having them myself.  Last year we did it here at Donovan's house, and we had a pretty good turnout.  This year, we had about 25 people!  The spread of cookies was IMPRESSIVE!!!

The spread of cookies (it might have gotten bigger after this pic was taken...)

I had a special request from my friend Jen to make my apparently famous's a peanut butter cookie dough wrapped around a miniature Snickers and then baked and drizzled with a chocolate glaze.  They're kind of insane!  (In the picture they're second from the right in front on the circular red tray)  Donovan experimented with a white chocolate macadamia nut cookie recipe and added toasted sesame seeds.  Yum!

It was really great to have people from all different areas of my life hanging out together and shmoozing.  People seemed to be having a really great time.  And we got to show off our new house to everyone!  It was also fun to publicly acknowledge Bob and Michael for all the work they've done on the house.  :)

All in all I think the party was a success, and it's a holiday tradition that I plan to continue for years to come!

Cookie exchange time!


Donovan said...

You know, before the one you threw last year, I'd never heard of a cookie exchange. I think it's a fantastic idea -- great division of labor. :)

One thing that may not have been clear is that Bob & Michael were in attendance -- so we got to show people their work with them there.


Char said...

I hope everyone enjoyed the cookies sent from Hawaii too... Love

Laurie Wallin said...

Char - my daughter and I loved them! :)

Donovan and Iris - thanks so much for having us. It was a great party!