Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas!

I'm Jewish.  Therefore, Christmas is not a holiday that I grew up celebrating.  However I am married to a man who celebrates Christmas and before that I was in a long-term relationship with someone who celebrates Christmas, so I've been celebrating Christmas since 1996 (bad Jew!!).  I enjoy the holiday...the pretty lights, the festivities, the friends and family coming together.  It's never been a religious thing for me, nor thankfully for the men in my life.

We had a really nice Christmas today.  We stayed in bed til about 1:00pm, lounged around, texted holiday greetings to loved ones, opened presents, had some lunch, and then went over to my very good friend Laurie's house for Christmas dinner.  I'm not sure how many Christmases I've spent with Laurie and her family, but it's definitely been a few.  The kids had already eaten by the time we got there, so we sat down at the table with Laurie and her husband, Gary, Laurie's sister and her husband, and Laurie's mom and her husband.  We had a nice dinner of ham (bad Jew!!), green beans, mashed potatoes, rolls, red wine, eggnog, and almond champagne.  After that we had dessert:  homemade pumpkin pie, Claim Jumpers apple pie, cool whip (of course!), and my awesome pumpkin pie martinis.  We played on the PS3 for hours, Laurie and I took the dog for a nice long walk, and a very good time was had by all!  One of the highlights of the evening was Laurie's nine year old daughter "doing my hair".  My niece and nephews do this to me occasionally, and it generally yields amusing results. 

My awesome hair-do tonight

 Being with Laurie and her family for the holiday was really great.  It felt like it was just as it should be, and we were in exactly the right place with the right people.  I hope that you had a great Christmas, too.  Merry Christmas!  :)

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1 comment:

Laurie Wallin said...

Sweet friend! It really was a great night. And I'm so glad you two were there!! So much fun!