Sunday, December 11, 2011

My World Premiere...

Last night was the world premiere of the video I made for my dad's 70th birthday.  My parents were there, Donovan and I were there, and two other couples were there.  We had a nice dinner first, and then we all headed down to the theater (yes, my parents have a theater) to watch the movie.  I was definitely nervous! 

Thankfully, everyone loved it!!  :)

I got some nice compliments from everyone, but the best was when my dad told me (more than once) that he was very proud of me.  Yep, I'm 37 years old, and my daddy's approval still means the world to me.
Interestingly, today I seemed to be experiencing some post-premiere depression (as Donovan calls it).  I've been working in earnest on the video for the past few weeks, but it's been on my plate for the past three months or so.  I think maybe this is what brides experience after the wedding (did I?), when all of the sudden that big thing you've been working on and planning for is done.

Not to worry, I've got something new to focus my energy on! :)  Actually, I've been neglecting my coaching program assignments for the past few weeks while I've been working on the video, so now I get to dive in full force!  I'll keep you posted on how it goes...

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