Thursday, February 9, 2012

Five Days a Week?

When I started this blog in October for the "Blogging Challenge" with my cousin, Sigal, I committed to writing five days a week.  With the exception of one week off around the holidays (I think), I've done that every week since the middle of October.  It's been an interesting experience, as there have definitely been days when I didn't want to write anything, or didn't have any idea what to write, but I had a commitment to five days a week, and I did it.  What's cool is that through my blog, people who maybe don't have contact with me that often are able to keep up with what's going on in my/our life.  And it's always fun to find out who's reading my blog...sometimes totally not who I would expect to!

Yesterday I started wondering whether the five days a week thing still suits my needs.  I haven't come to any conclusions about it yet, and I'm taking a look.  As I start developing the website for my business, one of the things that I want to do on there is a blog.  Obviously it's going to be much different from this one...more "professional" topics, etc.  So maybe one day a week I want to devote to that blog.  Not sure!  I definitely want to keep blogging here.  It's great writing practice, and coming up with ideas sometimes stretches me for sure!  And like I said, it's fun knowing that there are people all over the world keeping up with my life through this blog.'s a question, and not one that I need to answer right away.  In the meantime, if you have any ideas for blog topics, either for this blog or for my coaching blog, let me know!  :)

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P.S.  I went looking for an image to put on this post, and am cracking up about where I found this image.  Check out the link above to see why it's funny...

1 comment:

Sigal Tzoore said...

I enjoy your blog a lot, my lovely cousin :) But of course it is my intention to also follow the other one, when you start it. I hope that will be okay :) because I also intend to give my opinion about EVERYTHING!