Saturday, February 18, 2012

Getting Ready!

This coming Tuesday, our kitchen project begins. Bob, Michael, and possibly one or two other guys are going to start tearing out our kitchen on Tuesday morning. Bob is also going to start working on turning our sliding glass door into windows. So what does all that mean? It means that our big project for this weekend is to get the entire kitchen totally cleared out!!!

We actually started on this a little bit last weekend, and did some work during the week. But today we hit it hard. We're not just taking everything out of the kitchen, we're going through everything and getting rid of what we don't need. Since a lot of what is in the kitchen is Donovan's, I mostly took stuff out of the cabinets and drawers and he went through it all and decided what to keep (with my input, of course). Goodwill is going to be getting quite a lot of stuff from this phase of the remodel!

We kicked ass on getting stuff out of there today. We're probably about 85% done, and will finish the rest tomorrow. Then we'll have the rest of the long weekend to play! What was funny tonight while we were getting dinner ready is that we both kept opening cabinets and drawers to get what we needed, only nothing was there! So we laughed at each other a lot... :)

It's going to be interesting not having a kitchen for 3+ weeks...we'll do our best, and we've agreed not to go crazy trying to full-on cook with no kitchen. I'm guessing there are a lot of rotisserie chickens from Albertsons in our near future... Thankfully we timed it so that we're going to be gone for one of the three weeks of no kitchen, which will be really nice!

I can't wait for our new kitchen!!! So excited!!!!

1 comment:

Laurie Wallin said...

I'm excited too. Can't wait to see it! And you're welcome to come over here for dinner a couple of times during the process too.