Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Putting Myself Out There

Today I began the process of putting myself out into the world as a coach.  I created a Facebook page for my new business, Know Your Greatness Coaching and put it out for people to "Like" (like me, like me!!).  I also started working on my actual website, which is still very much a work in progress.  It's quite scary, taking these steps.  It makes the whole coaching business thing very real!!

I'm not feeling particularly confident about the website.  I don't have any content in mind for the various pages that I'm going to create.  I also want to have a professional blog, and am not sure what things to write about.  I feel like I have to have all these very "coachy" ideas, and I'm not even 100% sure what area I'm going to specialize in!  Also, if my business is called Know Your Greatness, do all my posts and all my content need to be about knowing your greatness?  Yes, this is all the stuff that runs around in my head...

Anyway, the fact that I'm taking these steps is a pretty big deal, so I'm going to celebrate that now, and worry about the details later!  :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Iris, I'm doing a happy dance to celebrate with you RIGHT NOW! I know that you will find the best Iris-Size answers to all of the questions in your post; I'm so excited to see what they are!! Keep writing!