Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Six Months!

Today is our six-month wedding anniversary!  On one hand, I can't believe it's already been six months, and on the other hand, the wedding and all the surrounding festivities seem so long ago!  I so wish that I could go back and re-experience that whole amazing wedding weekend...it was so much fun!

Married life is treating me very well.  We have built (and continue to build) such an amazing life together, and we're not afraid to do the work and grow together as a couple.  Is it all puppies and unicorns all the time?  No.  Why?  Because we're human!  And, we love each other immensely and have a great respect for marriage and what it represents, and we know that we can work through anything.

I really wanted to go to the Catamaran today to commemorate the occasion, but it didn't work out with our schedules.  We're definitely planning to go there for our one-year anniversary though!

So very grateful to have the love of a man who is so wonderful, supportive, accepting, loving, fun, funny, smart, geeky, adventurous, and so many more things.  So lucky to have him as my best friend and companion in life!!!


Donovan said...

Happy semi-anniversary, my baby!! I love you and I love our life!!

Sigal Tzoore said...

Mazal tov my darling! Thanks for calling today. We love you and Donovan lots and wish you many many happy anniversaries. And I love that he's both fun AND funny.