Friday, January 6, 2012

Choosing Not to Suffer

For two or three months now, I've had our wedding thank you cards "hanging over my head".  For whatever reason, yesterday I got a bug up my butt to finish them.  I sat down, printed out the envelopes I still needed, wrote out the remaining 25 cards, included our holiday letter in the cards to Israel, took the international ones to the post office to send, and put the rest of them into the mailbox to go out today.  And just like that...all done!  Donovan made a comment about how if I'd have just done that from the beginning, I could have sent out all our thank you cards in four days.  I'm pretty sure my response was "Fuck you!" (with a smile).  But you know what?  He's right!  Had I chosen to, and been committed to, I could have finished sending out our thank you cards mere days after starting, or even in just one day!  Instead, I chose to suffer over it, and let those cards hang over my head for months, likely causing my stress to just live at a higher overall level this whole time.

I do this all the time.  In fact, I'm doing it right now with the coursework for my coach certification program.  There are several assignments for me to do before the completion of the program (workbooks, book report, etc.), and I am procrastinating doing them because "they're hard" or "I don't want to" or some other lame excuse.  So they hang over my head and raise my stress level, and I suffer.  Because I choose to.  Kind of silly, right?

I am, therefore, choosing not to suffer anymore.  So if you see or hear me suffering over something silly like this, please tell me to "STOP IT!" and to get off my ass and do something about it.  If not in the moment, I will definitely thank you for it later!  :)

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