Thursday, January 12, 2012

Dinner with Friends

Tonight we went out to dinner with our friends Phill and Jen.  It was a rather belated birthday dinner for Phill (his birthday was two months ago!).  We haven't seen them in a while, and it was nice to reconnect.  They got married about five weeks before we did, so we've had a lot of common stuff to talk about over the last few months. 

Tonight Jen and I got to talking about the whole baby thing.  They're probably going to start trying in May, so they'll be ahead of us on that, too.  Jen is also going to be losing weight before she gets pregnant, and it was really nice to talk with her about the subject.  We talked about fertility testing, ob-gyns, vitamins, and other fun stuff while the boys talked about whatever boys talk about (grunt, grunt).

All in all we spent about three hours together at the restaurant, and it was just really nice to hang out, catch up, and chat about life, careers, and all sorts of random stuff.  We're very lucky to have an abundance of such great people in our lives, and I'm constantly reminded of that fact.

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