Saturday, January 7, 2012

My Cat, the Sock Murderer

My girl cat, Monkey, has a thing for socks.  For the life of me I can't tell you why, but I'm pretty sure she thinks that socks are something to be killed and brought to me as a prize.  She will jump into our laundry basket to find a sock, and from the moment she has the thing in her mouth until she finds an appropriate place to leave it, she makes this continuous extremely loud meowing scream/moan combination, which is not particularly pleasant to listen to.  It's become a running joke around our house for me to blame Donovan for all the socks lying around the house.  In fact, I've made it a sport to try and make him think that I'm really pissed at him about something..."Baby, I really need to talk to you about something important...(pause)...I've asked you repeatedly not to leave your socks all over the house..."  :)

With our bedroom taken apart for the remodel, the drawers from our bed frame are currently sitting in the dining room, exposed.  So Monkey now has free access to both mine and Donovan's socks.  Coming home is now like a find-the-socks party...apparently her need to kill is never satisfied.  On the one hand it's quite amusing, and on the other hand it's quite annoying!  I've tried numerous things to get her to stop the sock madness, but she's almost fifteen years old, and, well, she's a cat.  I don't think it's going to happen.  I guess I should be thankful that she's not bringing me actual bloody corpses...

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1 comment:

Agent said...

Our cat, Zoe, carries markers, pencils, glue, paints, dress up clothes, and plastic (kid's) kitchen utensils, plates, and food up from the basement. She also howls while carrying them. It's hilarious, but obnoxious to find piles of things around the house! She has now taught one of the other cats to haul dress up clothes through the cat door. If only they would put everything away again...