Saturday, January 21, 2012

A New Kitchen!!!

We spent three and a half hours today at Home Depot finalizing our new kitchen plans.  I've been itching to do this all week long, but couldn't get a hold of Holly until today.  We got there right when she had gone on her lunch break, and decided to wait and stalk her when she got back.  In the meantime we looked at the counter-top options again, and settled on the Corian pattern we had chosen on Monday when we were there.  There were a few things in the kitchen design that we were iffy about, so once Holly got back from lunch we sat down with her and the rendering software and hammered it all out.

There was a little bit of disagreement between Donovan and I about the pantry situation.  In the original drawings we had put in this very elaborate pantry cabinet that was kind of funky and we weren't sure if it was going to be functional enough for us.  So the debate was between full-extension pull-out shelves, or these tall pantry pull-outs that are open from both sides when you pull them out.  Donovan was rooting for the tall pantry pull-outs, and I was rooting for the full-extension pull-out shelves.  For a few minutes we were looking at a combination of both, but in the end we went with the full-extension pull-out shelves.

We made some other changes, and finally got it to the exact way we want it.  Holly worked on the numbers for us, and we got our final price.  When we were there on Monday, she told us that they have 12 months interest-free financing on their Home Depot credit card, but today the sign on her desk was gone.  Apparently that offer expired on the 18th.  Argh!!  Not to worry, though.  She called her store manager and got his approval to give it to us anyway.  We went through the credit application process and got approved for the whole amount of the kitchen.  Later, Holly called their credit department and actually got us 18 months interest-free financing!  Woo-hoo!!!

We're going back tomorrow to go over all the detailed paperwork for the cabinetry, and then the order will go in on Monday!  It should be 4-6 weeks before the cabinets come.  Once Bob and Michael get those installed, the counter-top people will come out and measure and make their templates and then hopefully it should only take a week or a little bit more to get our Corian counter top installed.  So by the middle of March we should have our brand new kitchen all done!  I am SO VERY EXCITED about this!  It's going to make a world of difference in the house, and the amount of space that we're gaining in the kitchen is awesome!  We're going to be so well organized we won't know what to do with ourselves!  :)

Rendering of what our kitchen will look like (more or less)

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