Friday, January 20, 2012

I Am Not a Runner!

I meant to blog about this a couple of weeks ago, but it seems that I forgot...

Since I had my breast reduction in late 2007 and started doing triathlons in 2008, I've been trying to turn myself into a runner, sort of.  It was mostly self-training for the first year, and then at the beginning of 2009 I started working with a private running coach while I was training for a half-Ironman.  Ricardo is an amazing athlete and an awesome running coach.  He's a blast to work with, and we had a ton of fun together.  My running did improve while I was working with him, for sure.  But running has always been a struggle for me.  In junior high when they would make us run a mile, I was always the one walking.  And in all the triathlons I did I ended up walking a good portion of the runs.  And after all the training I did on my own and with Ricardo, I still bombed the run portion of Vineman, the half-Ironman I did in July of 2009.  Granted it was over 100 degrees by the time I got out onto the run course, but still.

After quitting endurance sports in August 2009, I still didn't let go of the dream of becoming someone who loves to run.  It kind of sat over my head like a cloud that followed me everywhere.  Not that I did a whole lot about it most of the time...I just hung on to the hope.

Last year in March I signed Donovan and I up for the Las Vegas Half Marathon in December, figuring that even with all the wedding stuff, I would still be able to train for it after getting back from the honeymoon.  Donovan had no intention to train...his plan was to walk it.  Having not completed the 13.1 mile run portion of Vineman, I had yet to complete a half marathon, and it was something I wanted to do.  Post honeymoon running training didn't really happen, and neither did running the Vegas half marathon.

Over the holidays, I really got to thinking about the whole running thing, and the realization that I came to is this:


See, here's the thing.  At my best, when training with Ricardo, I think I was running at a pace of 5mph (which is slow!), and it sucked.  I was miserable.  I didn't experience the "runner's high" that people talk about.  And at a fast walk, I can go about 4.25mph.  So why kill myself (and my knees) to go that extra 0.75mph??

Coming to the conclusion that I am not a runner, once I gave my brain a chance to process it, gave me enormous peace of mind.  Cloud, gone!  No more pressure from myself to do this thing that I don't enjoy.  And it fits perfectly with my current plan of finding exercise that I *do* enjoy, like tennis, Zumba, walking, etc.  Yay for not being a runner!!!  :)

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Sigal Tzoore said...

Too bad we don't live nearer each other. We could have gone to zumba together..... My trainer just let me know she is leaving the JCC, so I was also thinking of trying to do it on my own for a change. And -- I identify with the running thing (both the dream, the hope, and at least the knowledge that I probably will never be a runner).

katie b said...

iris, i distinctly remember you having a retirement party from endurance sports, there was no quitting involved are not a quitter, just keep that in mind. and as for not running? running schmunning, there's plenty more to do out there that will keep you fit and i know you're already starting on some of them. i'm proud of you, keep up the hard work. the diet is going to be the biggest hurdle to accomplishing your goals, but i know in my heart of hearts you will overcome mac n' cheese (this is where Donovan will have to abide by some rules so as not to tempt you!)!!! hahaha, i love you pretty lady and i look forward to being a new auntie katie come 2013!!!!

Laurie Wallin said...

Right there with you girl! Want to plan to walk the lake some Friday morning?? :)