Sunday, January 8, 2012

My Eyes

Last year for an early wedding present, I got Donovan Lasik eye surgery.  I'm not sure quite how bad his eyes were prescription-wise, but he had worn glasses since he was ten-ish.  I got an idea of how bad they were for the first time when we were at the eye doctor for pre-surgery testing.  They put up those letters on the wall that you're supposed to read, only it was just one giant letter, which Donovan could barely make out.  So he was pretty blind.  Almost immediately after the surgery, his eyesight was darned near perfect.  Since then, he's enjoyed making fun of my eyesight.

I've been wearing glasses just when using the computer for a few years.  I can use the computer without them (as I am now) just fine, and using them makes things clearer and probably causes fewer headaches.  Last year when I went in for my yearly exam, the eye doctor also gave me a prescription for a pair of potentially all-the-time glasses, or at least while driving.  I picked them up a few months later, and they've been sitting in the glove compartment of my car since then.  When I picked them up I tried them on, and it freaked me out how much sharper everything looked, and I decided to be in denial about my eyes.
This weekend we were in a course at Landmark.  It's a new kind of course, and it involved a lot of reading off a large tv screen with a white background, from semi-far away.  In the first few minutes I realized how bad my eyes were.  At the first break I went to the car and got my glasses out of the glove compartment.  I put them on, and lo and behold the text on the screen was far more readable for me.  I think it's time for me to face an ugly truth about my eyes...I don't have perfect vision (by any means!), and my eyes may very well be deteriorating.  :(  I'll find out for sure when I go in for my next eye doctor appointment, which should be in the next few weeks.  I know it's not the worst thing in the world by any means, but I've always enjoyed the fact that I didn't need assistance to see, and this makes me kind of sad.  Oh well...c'est la vie!!

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